Brand Lore

This brand was created to represent those full of love, full of free energy, and those who don't let society box them in, and pursue their wildest dreams.



LUV-  I found love was such an important part of my life. Surrounding myself with people who cared for me and wanted me to succeed and be as happy as I could be. Deep down, I am a hopeless romantic, and I love to show my people love. A heart upon my sleeve is a constant accessory I keep on a daily basis, no matter the outfit, as I have a hard time hiding my emotions. Without passion, life is such a meaningless space to me. I had to redefine love, as it was something I found only within a person at one point, but now I can find love in everything I do. Life has endless things to love, all it takes is you seeing those things, and focusing on the good over the bad. One of my idols made it a point to take any negative situation and flip it into a positive... That's what we call 999 Sh*t

RAGE-  Another large factor of my life would be The Rage. Some people take The Rage to a crazy level, but it can be as simple as a silly dance to a song by yourself. This small bit of expression is a beautiful part of the human experience. Growing up my parents always made time for The Rage. Self Expression was so important to them, and setting aside time to get together, let loose, and have a blast with people is a large part of my development. From a day to day basis, people tend to stress about so many things that sometimes are way out of their control. The Rage allows a time for all of those stresses and fears to go out the window even if its for a short period. Memories can be made, expression is the easiest, and love flows freely while one takes time to Rage. I grew up with the Work Hard Play Hard attitude, allowing me to have motivation to work hard, but balance life out with time to play or "Rage" when the work was done. Balance is a big part of life. 

GRIND-  Being raised up on a farm, and growing up inside a factory, meant I had to have a work ethic. Working many early mornings and late nights, allowed for me to learn discipline and hard work. I was also a scholar in school, so grinding day in and day out was a familiar theme my whole life. My parents were both successful in their respective fields, and made it a point to teach me I could accomplish whatever it was I put my mind too. I followed my dad very closely growing up and he taught me a lot about running a business and making money. He also is the one who woke me up, and had me help him work since I was a kid, giving me the discipline I needed. My mom's main goal was to be the best mom ever, but she also wanted to become a nurse, and she somehow accomplished both. She flawlessly raised us and also studied hard and got her degrees, one by one as she tended to us. She also showed me working hard for your dreams even while you have many other things going on is doable. My parents taught me what it meant to grind towards your goals. They gave me the inspiration to climb any mountain that might stand in my way and allowed the opportunity for me to do so with ease. 

These three words, and the meaning behind them is what shaped Sexier Stitches, and the OG collection specifically. Using the common themes I was taught growing up, I made clothing that represented me, and hopefully it represents you and common themes you keep in your life. Whether it is endlessly chasing love no matter how much it hurts you, or raging the night away, or grinding towards the things those around you try and convince you are not possible, Sexier Stitches has a piece for you. Welcome to the community <3